Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Audacity

So, let me start off this story by saying I have a valid, up to date accessibility parking pass for my vehicle. I got one when we moved to Calgary because the parking lot was huge and sometimes I would be taking myself to appointments. If anyone has been to the foothills hospital they know how sprawling that place can be. I remember bringing myself to an iron infusion and I almost didn't make it to the door. I thought about collapsing on the ground or calling for help but I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and made it to the door. Anyways, the point of my story is that I have many reasons why I use my accessibility parking pass including but not limited to, trying to avoid putting weight on my joints and muscles when I have a bleed, trying to avoid falling on the ice. So the other day I'm going into the pharmacy, as I walk in this old, dusty man comes up to me and says "Are you Handicapped?". I said excuse me? He yelled again, "Are you hadicapped."  I said are you a doctor? he said I don't have to be and repeated his catch phrase, so I said you are ignorant and rude and you need to get away from me. 

Which brings me to this PSA: If you see someone parking in any parking spot, mind your own business. If you are really concerned that they might be parking there illegally, walk over to their car and look on the dash board. The placard has to be placed on the dashboard, you will be able to see the date and make sure it is valid. If at this point you still just have to know if this person is parking illegally, go to the manager of the store, or contact the police. What you should never do is yell in someone's face "are you handicapped." Invisible illnesses are prevalent and someone's medical history is just none of your business. 

This particular incident happened where there were 3 accessibility spots available and the person accosting me did not have one of his own. So I'm not sure where he got the audacity to insert himself into the rules and regulations of a parking lot or the complete lack of self awareness to yell in someone's face in public. Anyways at the end of the day all I can do is take care of myself the best way I can, park where I'm legally allowed to park and ignore crusty old creeps.


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