A blog all about raising awareness for Women with Bleeding disorders.
I am a severe factor 5 Hemophiliac living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and this is a blog about my life!
Hello there, I am so excited that I found this blog! I am a woman with factor VIII deficiency in Northern California. I have also lost my mother recently and my father (who I inherited my genetic disorder from) passed when I was 21. I am only 42 and suddenly find myself without parents to call in times of crisis or just to say hi. It can be hard when I now have no one who really understands what I am going through. I am also a mom and have to keep on keeping on for my teenager's sake. I am finding myself leaning more and more on my hemophilia family from all over the USA and am a big part of my local Northern California chapter of women with hemophilia group. I just want to tell you I appreciate you, your blog and your bravery to talk about it all online. Keep it up and feel free to email me a response (I am terrible with technology and am worried I won't find this blog again!) Wishing you and your family great health and wealth in all the ways that truly matter. With Respect, pamela@teachers.org
Hello there, I am so excited that I found this blog! I am a woman with factor VIII deficiency in Northern California. I have also lost my mother recently and my father (who I inherited my genetic disorder from) passed when I was 21. I am only 42 and suddenly find myself without parents to call in times of crisis or just to say hi. It can be hard when I now have no one who really understands what I am going through. I am also a mom and have to keep on keeping on for my teenager's sake. I am finding myself leaning more and more on my hemophilia family from all over the USA and am a big part of my local Northern California chapter of women with hemophilia group. I just want to tell you I appreciate you, your blog and your bravery to talk about it all online. Keep it up and feel free to email me a response (I am terrible with technology and am worried I won't find this blog again!) Wishing you and your family great health and wealth in all the ways that truly matter. With Respect, pamela@teachers.org