Wednesday, August 1, 2012

John Plater

So, over the weekend we lost one of the greatest advocates we've ever known. I first met John about 5 years ago when I first became involved with the Canadian Hemophilia Society. He spoke at our national youth committee meeting and he was amazing. He was funny, kind, caring and intelligent. Who knew how hard living with Hemophilia is but didn't seem anything but happy and full of life. Over the years I ran into John at various meetings and events. I was always completely in awe him.
John was not only a special person to me but he was a tireless advocate for Hemophiliacs and those living with HIV. He was an amazing Volunteer for more than 20 years and was instrumental in ensuring those affected by the tainted blood tragedy received compensation.
To read more about this wonderful man visit,
The Minister Of Health also sent out a press release expressing her condolences, you can read it here
The most touching this I have heard since his death is this interview on CBC with his wife Karen.
You can listen to it here
I only knew John for a short time but the work that he did will affect me and other Hemophiliacs for the rest of our lives.
I am forever grateful to him and I am deeply saddened to think he is no longer with us. I will be saying prayers for his family and I will never forget him as long as I live.

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