Friday, January 4, 2013

In sickness and in health

So, Friday night I woke up at 3 am in so much pain I couldn't stand it. I woke Zane up and early Saturday morning we ventured into the hospital.
I must of looked awful because my the time Zane parked the car the triage nurse whisked me into a room and I began a 10 hour torture process.
I met the Emergency room doctor and she didn't seem overly concerned about the state i was in. After an IV was started I was given morphine for pain and maxeran for nausea. Anyways, to make a long story short the emergency room Doctor decided she would send me home. What in the world she was thinking I will never know. I panicked, I called the hematologist on call (which I had already done before) and pleaded with him. He said he agreed to send me home as well. I felt awful, I didn't know what to do I felt helpless. I won't go into detail about the next part but basically my darling Dr. Poon from the Hemophilia clinic swooped in and saved me.
Eventually Zane was exhausted and Dad came in to take a turn at the circus that was the emergency room.
For about 6 hours I was in a loop of taking a shot of morphine, getting up to go to the bathroom then vomiting violently for about 5 minutes.
A different Doctor eventually wandered over and asked how I was doing, I figured by the moans and groans he would know I wasn't doing well but I played along and answered the same questions I already did for the triage nurse, the emerge nurse, the emerg doctor and the hematologist on call. He eventually said What do you think it is? and I said well I'm not sure because I normally feel better after my blood transfusion. He looked puzzled and said, you know theres no actual pain killer in the blood transfusion right? I was so insulted and so confused as to why he would state something so obvious but I often find emergency room doctors to be cold, unsympathetic and condescending.
I would spent the next 5 days in the hospital getting an EKG, Blood Work, CT scan, two ultrasounds and 8 units of plasma.
To treat the pain we moved from Morphine to fenteyl to percocet and I am sad to say i am still finding myself in pain. It's 3:00 am and I find myself unable to sleep.
I can't stop thinking about the whole ordeal. I am praying that I am in recovery mode and I will start to feel better so I can get back to my life. Only time will tell I suppose.


  1. I am sure that Emergency Rooms have a special number in the rungs of Hell. There job seems only to get people to leave and they are very skilled at that.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through the ordeal of trying to discover what caused the pain.

  2. Hemophilia is a rare disorder in which your blood doesn't clot normally because it lacks sufficient blood-clotting
    proteins (clotting factors).
    If you have hemophilia,you may bleed for a longer time after an injury than you would if your
    blood clotted normally.
