Wednesday, February 15, 2012


So, I think my news years resolution should of been to blog more because I haven't written in a long time.
Tonight I am writing about a sore leg. But of course, as a Hemophiliac a sore leg is never just a sore leg. It started to get sore around Sunday and its still really sore today so I went in to get it checked out at the clinic. They said they think it's just a muscle strain so I'm going to rest it for a few days and see how it goes. I'm praying it will get better on it's own and that I don't need a transfusion. Anyways this whole ordeal brings me to my point, you have to be so careful with prescription medication. Because of the pain I took a pain killer but I only took the prescribed amount and no matter how bad the pain gets you can't mix medications or drink alcohol with prescription medication. 
I know what it is like to be in extreme pain I really do I've bled into almost every joint and I think I have a high tolerance for pain. Proof of my pain tolerance is the fact that I was having a gallstone attack and I worked my entire shift at work and then went into the hospital. 
But if you are in that much pain you need to go into the hospital where they can give you the most pain medication possible and keep an eye on you so you don't harm yourself. 
Honestly, I find most pain medication doesn't help the pain a whole lot, it takes the edge off but that's about it. If you are in enough pain that you feel like taking prescription drugs go to the hospital and ask for help to get to the source of the pain that is your best bet. Taking excessive amounts of prescription drugs can only lead to stomach problems, addiction and even death. 

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