Sunday, May 26, 2019

A series of unfortunate events

So I have had a nose bleed every day for the past seven days. Its not a big deal but its very annoying. At the moment I think I have an arm bleed. I think it happened last Sunday when I was trying to do some spring cleaning. I saw my family doctor about it on Wednesday and she sent me for an ultrasound. The ultrasound came back clear which is good in someways but bad because I am still in a lot of pain. I tried Celebrex to see if that would help and I tried cyclokapron and now I am on pain killers cause I just couldn't take the pain.
Zane and I are going to emergency today and I just pray that they infuse me without too much fuss. 
Thats honestly the worst part. Its not the pain, or missing work, or not sleeping or all the needles and the sitting in emergency for hours and hours. Its the dragging yourself to emergency in need of help and the doctors telling you to go home. So I am just hoping for a doctor that hooks me up!
Not a very exciting blog post but its the best I cant do for now. Keep me in your prayers please!

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