Saturday, February 12, 2011


So, the other day I called my pharmacy and asked them to fill two prescriptions for me. I take medication on a regular basis so I depend on my pharmacist to have my medication and to tell of possible side effects. So when I showed up today to pick up my prescriptions I assumed they would be in the bag that they passed me. I arrived home only to find one of my two needed prescriptions. I decided to phone them and see what happened. He told me that they didn't have my medication in stock. Information that would of be great to know on Thursday when I first called. If they would of told me up front I would at least had a chance to get my prescription filled elsewhere. I called the pharmacy guy who didn't really seems to care. So I called the manager who also didn't really seems to care. I plan on calling their corporate office on Monday and I will also be changing pharmacies. But a big company like that doesn't really care. If they loose one customer it makes no difference to them. I guess at the end of the day it's my responsibility to ensure I have lots of medication on hand even though most health care plans will only let you have prescriptions once per month. I guess I will have to start keeping a little stash of pills for when the pharmacy screws up!  


  1. well.. thats exactly what I do. Always keep a buffer stock just in case...

  2. Yes I need to start doing that too! Great Idea!
    I do for pain meds incase a bleed comes on suddenly but I never thought I would have to do it with Birth Control but I will from now on!

  3. Do not you have any consumer complaint forums?? Why do not name your pharmacist here and let others know how irresponsible they were with you ... such behaviour could endanger someones life sometimes ....

  4. You are 100% right! It is a very serious issue! I did contact their head office so I am hoping they will get back to me!
