Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Blood Bank Mishap

So, as if things haven't been bad enough I found out halfway through my blood transfusion last night that instead of giving me Fresh Frozen Plasma like they said they would I was given Octaplasma. When the first two units were hung I had been given 50 mg of benadryl and codeine so I wasn't paying attention.
You see by the time I get to the hospital I am like a runner at the finish line. I collapse at hospital doors and am really not at my best. I am definitely not up for cross checking units of blood and i really don't feel like I should have to.
I feel so betrayed and frustrated i could scream. I go to the hospital in hopes of getting help. I don't go there looking for things to be made worse.
So now I am trying to recover while at the same time thinking about what actions I can take so this doesn't help. I obviously can't trust the hospital so I am thinking about maybe hiring a nurse or some sort of patient advocate to come in with me each time I require treatment its going to cost me money but I don't know what else to do. 


  1. Oh Ryanne! That's horrible. I think all of us with any kind of chronic condition can associate with this: You see by the time I get to the hospital I am like a runner at the finish line. I collapse at hospital doors and am really not at my best. I am definitely not up for cross checking units of blood and i really don't feel like I should have to.

    Everyone I've ever spoken to with a bleeding disorder or any kind fo condition that lands us in the ER on occasions puts off going for as long as humanly possible. By the time we get there we're unwell, we've tried everything we're about to be asked (Ice, DDAVP, home infusion etc etc) and we just need someone to fix the damn problem!

    I wish I lived closer, I'd definitely be your hospital buddy! Is there anyone in the bleeding disorder community close to home who could help you out? I hope you get this resolved quickly.

  2. Thank you so much Jenna you are a sweetheart! I really appreciate your support! xo
